Face to Face with ETA: Conversations with a Terrorist (2023)
“No me llame Ternera“
Documentary Crime History
December 15, 2023 – Netflix
A comprehensive interview with José Antonio Urrutikoetxea, also recognized as Josu Ternera, a prominent figure among the leadership of the ETA terrorist organization.
Stars: Guy Richardson, Francisco Ruiz Sánchez, Josu Ternera, Jordi Évole
#FacetoFacewithETAConversationswithaTerrorist #FacetoFacewithETAConversationswithaTerrorist2023 #FacetoFacewithETAConversationswithaTerroristnetflix #GuyRichardson #FranciscoRuizSánchez #JosuTernera #JordiÉvole #NomellameTernera