The Walking Dead: The Ones Who Live Season 1 is scheduled to debut on AMC on February 25, 2024.
Drama Horror Sci-Fi
The love story between Rick and Michonne unfolds amidst a world in constant flux, altered by the challenges of a post-apocalyptic existence. As they navigate this ever-changing landscape, the couple must confront the question of whether they are engaged in a war against the living or if they, too, have become a part of the ranks of The Walking Dead.
#TheWalkingDeadTheOnesWhoLive #TheWalkingDeadTheOnesWhoLiveSeason1 #TheWalkingDeadTheOnesWhoLiveAMC #AndrewLincoln #DanaiGurira #LesleyAnnBrandt #PollyannaMcIntosh #MatthewJeffers #TerryOQuinn #whatsonAMC #whatsonAMCatFebruary2024