
Streaming Guide, Reviews, Trailers

Life Is Beautiful (1997)

Coming Out at 20 December 1997 in theaters.

“La vita è bella”

Comedy, Drama, Romance

Life Is Beautiful is comedy drama film directed by Roberto Benigni, and written by Roberto Benigni & Vincenzo Cerami. The film stars Roberto Benigni, Nicoletta Braschi, Giorgio Cantarini, Giustino Durano, Sergio Bini Bustric, Marisa Paredes and Horst Buchholz.

In this WWII tragicomedy, famed Italian funnyman Roberto Benigni portrays Guido, who moves during the ’30s from the country to a Tuscan town, where he is entranced by schoolteacher Dora (Nicoletta Braschi). Dora likes Guido, but she remains faithful to her pompous fiancé, so Guido has an uphill struggle. Meanwhile, anti-Semitic attitudes lead to attacks against Guido’s Jewish uncle (Giustino Durano). Leaping ahead to five years later, during WW II, Guido and Dora are married and have a son Giosue (Giorgio Cantarini). After they are imprisoned in a concentration camp, Guido goes to elaborate lengths to keep his son from understanding the truth of their situation. He tells the boy that they are competing with others to win an armored tank — so everything from food shortages to tattoos is explained as necessary for participation in the contest.

Director: Roberto Benigni

Writer: Roberto Benigni, Vincenzo Cerami

Stars: Roberto Benigni, Nicoletta Braschi, Giorgio Cantarini, Giustino Durano, Sergio Bini Bustric, Marisa Paredes, Horst Buchholz


Roberto BenigniGuido
Nicoletta BraschiDora
Giorgio CantariniGiosué
Giustino DuranoZio
Sergio Bini BustricFerruccio
Marisa ParedesMadre di Dora
Horst BuchholzDottor Lessin
Lidia AlfonsiGuicciardini
Giuliana LojodiceDirettrice Didattica
Amerigo FontaniRodolfo
Pietro De SilvaBartolomeo
Francesco GuzzoVittorino
Raffaella LebboroniElena
Claudio AlfonsiAmico Rodolfo
Gil BaroniPrefetto
Massimo BianchiUomo della chiave
Jürgen BohnAttendente tedesco festa
Verena BurattiAusiliaria tedesca
Robert CameroSoldato tedesco fucilazione
Ennio ConsalviGenerale Graziosi
Giancarlo CosentinoCameriere Ernesto
Aaron CraigCarrista USA
Alfiero FalomiRe
Daniela FedkeAusiliaria tedesca
Antonio FommeiBidello scuola
Stefano FrangipaniGiocatore
Ernst Frowein HolgerSergente tedesco
Alessandra GrassiMaestra
Hannes HellmannCaporale tedesco
Wolfgang HillingerMaggiore tedesco festa
Margarita Lucia KraussSoldatessa cena bambini
Patrizia Lazzarini1ª Signora Grand Hotel
Maria Letizia2ª Signora Grand Hotel
Concetta LombardoGigliola
Maria Rita MacellariRegina
Carlotta MangioneEleonora
Franco MescoliniIspettore Pubblica Istruzione
Francesca MessineseSignora Opera
Angel Alise MiddelthonAusiliaria tedesca
Andrea NardiTappezziere
Günther PfanzelterSoldato tedesco
Cristiana PorchiellaMaestra zitella
Antonio PresterBruno
Gina RovereGovernante Dora
Laura Susanne RuedebergAusiliaria tedesca
Massimo SalviantiPoliziotto cartolibreria
Richard SammelUfficiale stanzioncina
James SchindlerTedesco fisso
Andrea TidonaPortiere Grand Hotel
Dirk K. van den BergSoldato tedesco
Giovanna VillaSegretaria Comune
James FalzoneJoshua
Omero AntonuttiNarrator (voice)
Roberta BobbiMinor Role
Davide BorellaMinor Role
Nikky SmedleyMinor Role

( Read more cast details on imdb )

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