Midnight at the Pera Palace Season 2 is scheduled to debut on Netflix on September 12, 2024.
“Pera Palas’ta Gece Yarisi”
Drama History Mystery
At a historic Istanbul hotel, a journalist is unexpectedly transported into the past and must prevent a plot that could alter the course of modern Turkey.
Stars: Hazal Kaya, Tansu Biçer, Selahattin Pasali, Tülin Özen, Güven Murat Akpinar, Nezaket Erden
#MidnightatthePeraPalace #MidnightatthePeraPalaceSeason2 #MidnightatthePeraPalacenetflix #HazalKaya #TansuBiçer #SelahattinPasali #TülinÖzen #GüvenMuratAkpinar #NezaketErden #PeraPalas’taGeceYarisi