Get the Grift (2021)
Releasing at April 28, 2021 on Netflix
“Os Salafrários”
Comedy, Crime

Get the Grift is comedy crime film directed by Pedro Antônio Paes, and written by Fil Braz. The film stars Zeca Carvalho, Thelmo Fernandes, Caito Mainier, Marcus Majella, Pedroca Monteiro, Pablo Sanábio and Samantha Schmütz.

After a botched scam, Clóvis bumps into Lohane, his estranged foster sister. In a bind, they soon realize the only way out is to band together.
Director: Pedro Antônio Paes
Writer: Fil Braz
Stars: Samantha Schmütz, Marcus Majella, Zeca Carvalho, Thelmo Fernandes, Caito Mainier, Pedroca Monteiro, Pablo Sanábio